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The art of life

Sunday thoughts on rest and productivity

It’s one of these Sundays when I feel so tired and leaking energy. Although it’s Easter and I have a few days off from work, I didn’t put the time and energy into my other projects I want to create on the side.

I often feel the urge in my free time to make use of it as much as possible, to get these heart’s projects like I call them started and move them forward.

But as soon as the weekend arrives I feel exhausted and running out of energy to work on these projects.

What would I tell a friend when asked what to do with this problem?

I would tell my friend to be kinder to yourself, to acknowledge what you’ve already done, that you have achieved so much and to be grateful for every minute you managed to put into your projects, even if it’s only for 10 minutes a day.

A change in perspective, a change of thoughts that you have to use your free time in the most productive manner is the first step. 

Let go of these self-destructive and self-judgmental thoughts.

Everyone’s work flow, energy level and stress resilience is different and this is the huge learning curve: to stop comparing them with others and how they go through their day.

It’s okay to go slow and to need more time for specific tasks than others.

It’s okay that your body responds differently to the tasks, to-dos and work that need to get done.

That’s the art of life, the art to design your life in a way that acknowledges and honors the way your body, heart and soul creates, lives, breathes and rests.

The art of life is to design little daily habits that are in alignment with the frequency of your true being.

The art of life is to create a lifestyle that honors the unity of your body, mind and heart, and also creates a way of connection to all that is.

The first step is to be gentle with yourself, to have compassion when you feel low and have less energy to move on. 

Ask yourself instead how you can fill the energy level in a most joyful and easy way.

Don’t dwell on the past and what you could have done or have already managed to do in less time. 

Listen to your body and heart. 

Listen to what you need at this moment.

Maybe the art of life is being in these precious moments of alignment and connection to all that is and then going from there.

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