The light is rising for you

Sometimes we can’t see the light because it seems to be hidden behind a huge wall of worries and doubts.
Sometimes we can’t see the lighthouse that sends its rays over every stone, over the endless sea.
The light travels with the waves, sparkling with the stars even in dark nights.
Sometimes we have to wait, we have to be patient for the light getting through the clouds, rising above the horizon. It is always on its way, even if we can’t sense it and have already given up hope for the brighter days to come.
Can you touch the ground, feel how it becomes warmer, as if it wants to invite you to stay and be in the comfort of home and belonging?
Can you be with the vanishing clouds and darkness to experience the light rising for a new dawn?
Light is like the ocean, it is the flow of the tides, the rising and falling of the waves.
Can you ride these waves of light?
Can you go with the change of its creative power and rise above what was bringing you down, letting you fall?
Can you rise gently with the light, saying a farewell to the fear of failing?
Go with the light, with the sun and the moon, with love and compassion, with peace and kindness, with the light of your heart’s joy.
Rise with the courage of your heart like the light rises for you every day.