• Balance,  Mindfulness,  Mindset,  Uncategorized

    Ways of courage

    Ways never take you in the right direction. They are created while you go. Ways never take you to the horizon. You will get there with every step you take. Ways never lie in front of you. They will appear when you go on the journey. Ways never are right or wrong. They are simply a creation of your heart. Why do you struggle so much to find a way? Why do you fear taking the first step? Why don’t you see freedom, the horizon over the endless blue ocean? Which way do you want to create? A way to the ocean is never created by the fear from the…

  • Balance,  Health,  Journaling,  Mindfulness,  Self-care,  Uncategorized

    One step away from the norm, forward to a joyful life

    How can I make life feel a bit easier? That was my journal entry this morning.Daily life and work demands feel more and more heavier at the moment, tiredness kicks in and there’s hardly any energy left for something I enjoy doing. I know that I make it extra hard through my overactive mind and overthinking, trying to fulfill all the expectations that I have set for myself and then there is this constant need to create the illusion of control and figure things out. What would make life feel a bit more serene and joyful? Because that is what my body, mind and soul is craving for.Not setting another…

  • Creativity,  Mindfulness,  Mindset,  Self-care,  Uncategorized

    How to turn Monday blues into a buttered-side-up day

    You probably know these days when you’re frustrated and sad that your weekend has gone by so quickly.Maybe you had to do tasks from the week which you had to postpone and therefore there wasn’t so much time to relax or for doing something nice on the weekend.Maybe your job really stresses you and you think of quitting but you don’t, because it is what brings butter and bread on the table.You feel that your heart has been elsewhere for a long time. You dream of something that makes you feel fulfilled, that excites you and you love doing.You dream of Mondays you love to wake up to.You dream that…

  • Adventure,  Mindfulness,  Mindset,  Uncategorized

    A way to the ocean

    “Roads were made for journeys not destinations” ― Confucius A way can be narrow, long winding and nevertheless the right way to go.Twists and turns bring in different directions, a light that shines through the hedge of doubts. A way gone with all your courage is never lost, always meaningful in your presence.Even if you can’t see the next step, there’s no looking back because magic is waiting around the corner. You walk further although the blue vastness is out of sight.Your heart knows anyway, where to go, where to stop, where to leave the known. A way opens up for you when you follow the courage of your true…

  • Balance,  Mindfulness,  Nature,  Self-care,  Uncategorized

    Disconnecting from fear-mongering and getting clarity in nature

    Have you ever thought about how you can get clarity on a situation when you tend to overthink things? When you have a restless mind, often find yourself in negative thoughts and worst case scenarios? How can you calm your mind and get answers to a problem or clarity on your next steps instead? In our stressful world there’s a huge need for calmness and reconnection to the body, to feelings and emotions, a need for an awareness of what’s going on and running the show in your mind. The first necessary step is to disconnect from everything that stresses and feeds your mind with worries and anxiety inducing thoughts:…

  • Adventure,  Mindfulness,  Mindset,  Uncategorized

    Start where you are

    Start where you are because this place has meaning.Your past has brought you there, all these wins and losses, all the healing, growing and scars.There’s no rushing to this point because you needed every detour, every step of the journey to become the person you now are.It’s like getting equipped with special tools that allow you to go further on your journey, to the destination you are meant to go. This place in the distance is calling you.You feel attracted by it, although you can’t even say why.You pack your rucksack, get all your learnings and memories in, and you leave all the limiting thoughts, all that’s wearing you down…

  • Creativity,  Mindfulness,  Nature,  Uncategorized

    The light is rising for you

    Sometimes we can’t see the light because it seems to be hidden behind a huge wall of worries and doubts. Sometimes we can’t see the lighthouse that sends its rays over every stone, over the endless sea. The light travels with the waves, sparkling with the stars even in dark nights. Sometimes we have to wait, we have to be patient for the light getting through the clouds, rising above the horizon. It is always on its way, even if we can’t sense it and have already given up hope for the brighter days to come. Can you touch the ground, feel how it becomes warmer, as if it wants…

  • Journaling,  Mindfulness,  Mindset,  Uncategorized

    What is most important to you in your life?

    Sometimes it feels as if the days run by. You go through your day more or less on autopilot, through your daily tasks that you have learned to fulfill a long time ago. You don’t question them. Everything is deeply rooted in your subconscious mind. In the modern world so much is scheduled into calendars, meetings, workflows, the latest productivity hacks, tips and tricks on how to get even more done are all over the place. Do we even know why we want to check all these things from our to-do-lists?  Why do they make it even on these lists in the first place? I want to invite you to…

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