• Creativity,  Mindfulness,  Nature,  Uncategorized

    The light is rising for you

    Sometimes we can’t see the light because it seems to be hidden behind a huge wall of worries and doubts. Sometimes we can’t see the lighthouse that sends its rays over every stone, over the endless sea. The light travels with the waves, sparkling with the stars even in dark nights. Sometimes we have to wait, we have to be patient for the light getting through the clouds, rising above the horizon. It is always on its way, even if we can’t sense it and have already given up hope for the brighter days to come. Can you touch the ground, feel how it becomes warmer, as if it wants…

  • Balance,  Health,  Mindfulness,  Mindset,  Self-care,  Uncategorized

    The art of life

    Sunday thoughts on rest and productivity It’s one of these Sundays when I feel so tired and leaking energy. Although it’s Easter and I have a few days off from work, I didn’t put the time and energy into my other projects I want to create on the side. I often feel the urge in my free time to make use of it as much as possible, to get these heart’s projects like I call them started and move them forward. But as soon as the weekend arrives I feel exhausted and running out of energy to work on these projects. What would I tell a friend when asked what…

  • Adventure,  Mindfulness,  Mindset,  Uncategorized

    Dance with the flow

    “The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” Alan Wilson Watts Change can be scary because we fear the unknown, starting from scratch, letting go of things we used to create memories with. Change is always chaotic and destructive so that something new can be built, like the tide that washes over the shore and leaves a blank canvas to paint a new future into the sand. To plunge into change is the first gasp you make when the cold water washes over you, when you emerge in the here and now.  The past is gone and…

  • Balance,  Mindfulness,  Nature,  Uncategorized

    Spring is a reminder to grow into your heart’s joy

    It’s sunny outside and I watch how the daffodils swing their bell-like heads in the light breeze. The first bumblebees of the year fly from one dandelion blossom to the next.  Birds are singing with the rhythm of the cracking candle of the teapot warmer. I can feel the warm cup in my hand and the smell of the spring air eases my mind. There’s nothing to worry about. Nature awakens in full force. Nature doesn’t worry about the next steps, about an unknown future. Nature goes with the flow and its cycles. There’s no rushing in growth and transformation, only one step at a time. There’s dancing in the…

  • Creativity,  Mindfulness,  Simplicity,  Uncategorized

    Lost time is love

    “It’s the time you spent on your rose that makes your rose so important…People have forgotten this truth, but you mustn’t forget it. You become responsible forever for what you’ve tamed. You’re responsible for your rose.” ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry – The Little Prince Today I spent time on a little drawing of one of my favorite books: „Le Petit Prince“ by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry This book is full of gold nuggets and life wisdom, full of heartfelt advice to go slow and focus on the most important things in your life, a life that is lived from the heart. That’s the original quote from the book: „C’est le temps…

  • Gratitude,  Health,  Mindfulness,  Self-care,  Uncategorized

    The beauty of doing nothing

    You probably know these days when you get home, so tired after an exhausting work day. Everything feels too much: cooking for dinner, there are corners in your room with things you wanted to sort out a long time ago, there are messages and emails you haven’t responded to yet.But you feel so tired, depleted and a little bit sad. ‚Where’s my time going?The weather was so beautiful the whole day and I couldn’t make use of it.There are all these things I would love to do but now there’s no energy left to do any of them.Why does everyone else get so much done throughout their days?’ There’s nothing…

  • Journaling,  Mindfulness,  Mindset,  Uncategorized

    What is most important to you in your life?

    Sometimes it feels as if the days run by. You go through your day more or less on autopilot, through your daily tasks that you have learned to fulfill a long time ago. You don’t question them. Everything is deeply rooted in your subconscious mind. In the modern world so much is scheduled into calendars, meetings, workflows, the latest productivity hacks, tips and tricks on how to get even more done are all over the place. Do we even know why we want to check all these things from our to-do-lists?  Why do they make it even on these lists in the first place? I want to invite you to…

  • Balance,  Mindfulness,  Self-care,  Uncategorized

    Finding balance in a fast-paced world

    Embracing a slower, more intentional way of living Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by the news and constant information and opportunities we have access to from all directions.It can be so challenging to step away from the noise and slow down. The fast-paced world we’re living in, where it gets more and more technical, as if we are on a way to outsource human interaction to fill it with superficial chatter on social media or AI. Of course, all these things can have its benefits but what about deep conversations, taking time to create something without the pressure of perfectionism and productivity?Our brain isn’t wired for such an overload on information…

  • Mindfulness,  Nature,  Uncategorized

    The first offerings of spring

    I went into the forest for a Sunday walk today and although the trees are still without leaves the first buds and wood anemones were greeting me alongside the path. This forest is known for its huge amount of corydalis blossoming in spring season and other early flowers along the winding paths. I love to go there in early spring to collect wild garlic which you can find there covering the forest floor like a green carpet. I had to stop so often to take in the whole scenery, the first new green, the fresh white of the anemones and the scent of wild garlic. It filled my heart with…

  • Uncategorized

    Ways of reconnection – The ingredients of slow living

    Reconnection is going slowly, becoming aware of your steps, of your path and of everything that surrounds you. Reconnection is taking your time, time to be in the present moment and recognise how you feel, what you can sense in your body. But where to start when you feel so stressed, always in a hurry as if something is constantly chasing you? How to stop overthinking, the turmoil of the mind, the worries that make you feel depressed or let you run through your day with an endless to-do-list? Take a deep breath, I’ll take you on a journey to the magic of slow living. For the next 30 days,…

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